What to Expect in Your 60s
Aging is not something everyone anticipates. Still, this process is unavoidable — and you can be prepared for that! Taking proper care of your health while you’re still in your 20s–40s can postpone or even prevent many common health issues that usually emerge by the 60s.
What will change by your 60s?
Our bodies age differently. Scientists declare that general health is 50% dependent on your lifestyle, 20% on your genetics, 20% on environmental factors, and only 10% on the healthcare system quality. With that in mind, you can surely improve your health and well-being for a happier retirement.
We’ve prepared a comprehensive list of the main health issues that can arise in your 60s and what you can do to prevent or postpone them.
Hearing Loss
Troubled hearing is one of the most common issues caused by aging. The inner ear can be damaged by infections or constant exposure to loud noises. These problems accumulate with time. So, what can you do? Decrease your exposure to loud noises — adjust the volume on your AirPods, take precautions on your flights, and use appropriate ear protection if your workplace is usually noisy.

Weight Problems
Of course, you won’t instantly gain 30 lbs on the day you hit your 60. Still, your metabolism will get slower and slower as you age — this means fighting weight gain will be more challenging as years go by. The best way to fight it and enter your retirement healthy and fit is to stick to healthy meals and an active routine now.
Eat better and regularly, create an exercise plan that fits your schedule, and you won’t see numbers on your scale dramatically climbing up as you age.
Skin Changes
The slower metabolism issue will touch your skin as well. As years go by, you’ll notice your skin becoming thinner and less smooth. If you don’t do anything about it, you’ll also notice new, deeper wrinkles and hyperpigmentation spots. Of course, no magic cream will completely stop your skin from aging.
While you can’t do anything about looking older, you still can postpone severe changes. Start using sunscreen and support your collagen production — without enough collagen in store, your skin will age faster and lose its tightness.
Heart Troubles
Heart failure, strokes, and heart attacks are the most common health issues affecting people over 60, regardless of gender and social status. To significantly reduce the risk of critical heart conditions, start acting now:
- ditch nicotine as it affects your blood vessels;
- limit your salt intake;
- stick to an overall healthy diet.
To improve your cardiovascular resistance, you can also find a daily activity that will contribute to your heart health: walking, swimming, yoga, or jogging.
Changed Brain Function
By the time you’re 60, you’ll find that your memory and cognitive function are not as sharp as they were before. Decades of memories will gradually fade, leaving only the brightest experiences to remember. While this process is natural, you can train your brain daily to soften the loss of cognitive agility.
Studies show that people who learn foreign languages and acquire new skills throughout their childhood and youth save their sharpness of mind for longer. It doesn’t mean you should devote your life to becoming a polyglot, but trying to learn at least one new language will definitely benefit your brain.
Impaired Vision
Eye muscles are probably the most vulnerable when it comes to age. Their degeneration can result in serious vision issues. Also, age is a huge factor contributing to cataracts and glaucoma. Keep your eyes checked by a professional regularly, and stick to basic vision hygiene rules — don’t strain your eyes too much.
Bones and Joints Problems
Water and calcium are the two main components contributing to the normal function of your bones and joints. As years go by, it becomes more difficult to keep these two inside the body. Without enough water, your joints will go creaky, and without calcium, your bones will become weaker.
To prevent it, make sure you’re keeping up with your water intake — and when the time comes, go for an osteoporosis screening to see if your bones need additional calcium intake.
Lowered Sleep Quality
You will always need your 7–9 hours of proper sleep. The problem is your body will gradually slow down melatonin production, resulting in lower sleep quality. There’s not much you can do about it except for taking melatonin as a supplement or stimulating its production — for example, with Epitalon spray.
Rising Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is the most common vascular issue related to age. Fatty tissues create their build-up on the inner walls of arteries, resulting in higher pressure inside them. If not taken care of, this condition can eventually result in a stroke.
Arteriosclerosis prevention is simply lifestyle management: no smoking, fewer meals with saturated fats, and more light physical activity.
Worse Bladder Control
Muscle degeneration can lead to bladder weakness, especially in women after multiple births and men suffering from prostatitis. This is why it’s so important to get checked by a health professional when you start feeling like you’re losing control over your bladder.
Lowered Immunity
The polluted environment and poor infection management in the past are two of the most influential factors contributing to low immunity levels in your 60s. Treating infections at the right time and getting your vaccinations up to date is the best way to prolong the service of your T cells.
Worse Teeth
After years of chewing, it’s no wonder that teeth will eventually become weaker. Also, they become more prone to infections as you age. Regular dental check-ups will ensure you won’t need full-mouth dental implants to enjoy your meals in your 60s.
Aging happens to every living person on this planet. You can’t reverse this process — only accept it. What you can do, though, is make your elder years full of joy. Your health is the best investment vehicle — start taking care of it now to enjoy the benefits later.